Online Shopping Cash Back Offers — Online Marketplace in India — Fashion Big Bazaar — Online Shopping Offers 4 U

Globally we are spending more and more money online than ever before and it’s accumulating at lightning speed. Once it was just CD’s and books as lots of people just wasn’t confident about shopping online and many were worried about the credit card details being safe. Fast forward to today and almost everybody shops online […]

via Online Shopping Cash Back Offers — Online Marketplace in India — Fashion Big Bazaar — Online Shopping Offers 4 U

Black Lives Matter — Discover

Annie, a student and film photographer in the UK, publishes photos from a Black Lives Matter march in Liverpool in July 2016, triggered by the death of Mzee Mohammed, an 18-year-old black man who died in police custody. The images were shot using Kodak Ektar 100 film.

via Black Lives Matter — Discover